Philippine government agencies and environmental NGOs will join the world in celebrating Earth Day on 22 April 2007.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, headed by Secretary Angelo Reyes, has lined up several activities for the whole month of April. Go to its website for the list.
Top rock bands, musicians, and artists will celebrate it with a big bang - a concert entitled EARTH DAY JAM 2007 - on 20 April, 7:00 p.m., at Tomas Morato Strip in Quezon City. ADMISSION IS FREE. The Philippines will be jamming with other countries on this day (meaning similar activities will be done in other countries). See poster above for details.
The website of the Philippine Sustainable Development Network (PSDN) says PSDN has Earth Day activities but I cannot see any when I visited it. But readers might want to take a second look.
For an overview of Earth Day activities worldwide, see the website of the Earth Day Network.
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site only now.
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aurora de leon
If you in fact look back into history using the internet archives:
you will see that there was indeed activities planned through, by, or in-cooperation with PSDN for Earth Day 2007.
Activities listed then were:
Endangered Tales Radio Trivia Contest, Boracay Beach Clean-up, Museum Volunteers Philippines Monthly Lecture on - Climate Change:
Impacts and Solutions, "Sibol 2007" , among many others.
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